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9 Tips for Turning Your Business Green

1. Offer Commuting Incentives – Come up with incentives to encourage your employees to use public transportation or car pool.

2. Make Telecommuting an Option – Allowing employees to work from home at least one day per week not only increases productivity, but it reduces office space needs and cuts down on carbon emissions. Everyone wins.

3 . Do an Energy Consumption Audit – Determine the average energy used per square foot in your office and make plans to reduce through equipment modification and use of natural light.

4. Print Less – Paper comprises about 35% of an average company’s total waste stream. Go digital wherever you can!

5. Water Conservation – Manage water use…in the kitchen, in the bathrooms, on the grounds.

6. Make a Green Policy – Raise eco awareness through company policies and self audits. Hold informational meetings.

7. Conserve Resources – Consider materials used across the entire value chain…reduce, reuse, recycle.

8. Packaging – Use as little packaging material as needed and use recyclable and biodegradable materials.

9. Recycling and Waste Reduction – Anywhere there is a trash can, there should be a recycling bin!



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