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Green Girl Fun Facts

  • In 1997-1998: Bridget Turner (now Johnson) knocked on doors in the mountains west of Boulder for over 100 days straight signing up houses to begin Green Girl Recycling – back then.. she was ‘The Green Girl’.

  • The first recycling vehicle to haul Green Girl material was Bridget’s 1995 Jeep that pulled a modified 5’ motorcycle trailer (very hard to turn around with in tight driveways!).

  • All recycling hauled from homes between 1998 and 2001 was kept in separate recycling containers (Rubbermaid bins from Target) because back then – each commodity needed to be delivered separately to recycling centers as a ‘clean stream’.

  • The first official recycling truck bought in 1999 by The Green Girl was in a white 1978 Ford 250 4×4 flatbed named “Greystoke” that we had to fix monthly to keep in service (we still have the truck, but don’t use it on recycling routes anymore!).

  • In 1999 Bridget married Matt Johnson and hired him as her first ‘official’ employee – he jokes that he is ‘the green guy – not the green girl!’.  Thankfully Matt loves the mountains and biking- so he still helps run our mountain routes to this day (in between pedaling on a few trails here and there).

  • April of 2004 we moved the Green Mountain Warehouse from Boulder to Longmont and began more involved electronics, shredding and bailing services for all customers.

  • Our first grant in 2004 came from The Boulder County Resource Conservation Department to purchase a 10’ hydraulic stake-bed that we put on a 1985 4×4 chassis and acts as our back-up mountain recycling/wood pallet hauling truck – fortunately another grant from BCRCD in 2006 went into a new Chevy recycling truck we still use to this day!

  • In 2006 Gavin Matthew Johnson was born – making him our #1 ‘Green Kid’.

  • We hired 3 employees from the Green Mountain merger and are lucky enough to say we still have one of those original guys working with us to this day – Jesus, we love our employees!

  • To keep up with the markets, economy and ‘big haulers’ we received a grant from Boulder County in 2008 to purchase 150, 96-gal poly carts to begin hauling single-stream recycling from businesses and restaurants.  Further to this grant, we also purchased our first trash-style truck from Arizona (Bridget drove it back to Colorado with her cousin Jeff..) and named it ‘Betsy’ after another cousin who lives in Arizona.

  • 2009 we bought a second trash-style truck to run up in Ft. Collins and named that truck ‘Monty’.

  • In 2009 we grew despite the economy, were named in the Boulder County Business Report as one of Boulder Top Ten Fastest Growing Companies and hired an additional two employees to help us keep up with routing.

  • In 2010, our second ‘Green Baby,’ Turner Johnson, was born.

  • In 2010 we were presented with the Eco-Hero Award from the Boulder County Business Report.

  • In 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 & 2015 Green Girl Recycling was named on the Mercury 100 ‘Fastest Growing Private Companies’ list.

  • We moved in 2014 to 21 S Sunset Street in Longmont into a much bigger warehouse where we can bail more shredded paper and store enough to ship directly to paper mills.

  • In 2015 we bought a bigger shredder, conveyor and horizontal baler system to produce much bigger paper bales.

  • In 2016 we purchased our third trash truck from Montana for single-stream recycling and need to name it still – any ideas?



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