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New Optical Sorting Equipment

Yes.. yes, recycling is happening and Green Girl Recycling is thrilled to share how our partners (Eco-Cycle and Boulder County's MRF) are effectively processing all our single-stream material every day. In order for recycling to happen and get to mills, it needs to be a pure stream - baled effectively and processed in the most efficient way. Check out the video of new optical sorting equipment pulling all plastics by grade off the sorting lines at the MRF in Boulder.

According to Boulder County in a recent article on plastic recycling, "Clamshell” containers, such as berry containers of all sizes, Flat plastic tub lids, such as yogurt container lids, Rigid plastics, such as buckets and backyard toys with metal axles removed can all be recycled now!

Darla Arians, who is Boulder County's Resource Conservation Manger was quoted saying; "These improvements will allow Boulder County to provide residents with more recycling opportunities while making the facility more modern, efficient, and economically sustainable. This is a smart investment for the County, which is committed to meeting its zero waste goals and providing the public with excellent service."

We at Green Girl Recycling see recycling happening every day. It was important for us to share with our followers, the systems that make our green wheels turn, especially

now when so many people keep stating recycling is not happening - because they are wrong, recycling IS happening!! We continue to Make Recycling Easy, and are committed to our mission to divert as much as possible from the landfill while helping customers make better choices each and every day.



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